Challenges are what makes life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.

Joshua J. Marine

My Research

Two of my dearest passions are running and mental health. The first is running, my pleasure through childhood, whether in competition or merely for exercise. As I’ve grown older, running has evolved into a way to take a break, to clear my head from everyday chaos. I never anticipated how much it could impact my mental health, how much of an outlet it would become. 

Mental health is my second passion. Being a part of this generation, involved with  everyone who utilizes technology, I see that no one actually rests from all the craziness!  Rest time happens too little. Our minds aren’t allowed time necessary to de-stress. The pandemic offered clear evidence: people couldn’t visit loved ones, interact daily with others, or participate in social events like before. Stress increased. We all felt it.

So that’s why I decided to bring these two topics together. How? I have started a research project around running and mental health, which I will continue through college and beyond. In interviews so far with a variety of  people–from a high school teammate to a college runner, from a local mom to the Olympic Champion Bianca Knight–my focus questions how running has impacted each individual’s mental state, whether they run/have run competitively or just for exercise. My goal is to convince others just how positively running influences mental health, to encourage others to run as an outlet to de-stress from that daily craziness. I  pray that my research will provide an incentive to improve their physical and mental health.

Julia Stradinger

Julia Stradinger on Mental Health and Running

Highlighted Interview Clips

Bianca Knight, Mom, 2021 Olympic Gold Champion 4×100. Founder of the Bianca Knight Foundation and BK Trackstars
Gracie Atkinson, high school junior and XC and Track runner
Amy Turner, Runner and mom of a runner
Morgan Claire Rose, XC and Track runner at the University of Mississippi
Daniel Burnett, High School XC and Track Coach
John Noblin, Ultra marathoner and founder of Mississippi Blues Marathon
Rebecca Lee, Mom, former collegiate runner and current Boston Marathon runner

To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.

Steve Prefontaine